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about us

our culture


Definition of N.H.O Team Player: Someone who agrees, accepts and values the "Growing Together" mindset and culture. Accordingly, they accept each other, understand the need for each other’s existence, and trust each other. They are humble, passionate, and wise, at home and at work.

Be Humble

Humility is a key attribute of being a team player in our corporate family. To be humble is to quickly acknowledge the contributions of others and to be slow to seek attention for themselves. It is to easily share credits, emphasize team over self, and to define success as a team product rather than individual accomplishment.

Be Passionate

Passionate people rarely have to be pushed by a superior to work harder because they are self-motivated and diligent. They welcome responsibilities and value learning and growth.

Be Wise

Being wise refers to a keen awareness one can have around people and situations. It is to understand and respond to circumstances in an effective way. Wisdom can often be achieved through asking good questions and listening to what others have to say.

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